Thursday, January 11, 2007


This is not a medical update, because my hoof still hurts, and is rotting off...I just thought I might tell you folks some things about horses.

1- We're the same creature that put Chris Reeves in a wheel chair, and ended up doing more damage than good for Superman.

2- We kick numerous kids in the face every year at district fairgrounds everywhere just because they get to close.

3- We bite...for no real reason.

4- Somepeople find us downright frightening to ride on...because well, see the Chris Reeves thing.

5- We helped carrry explorers and speed up the spread of disease to most early Mexican civilizations and most of the Western US. Someone had to carry those small pox infested blankets.

6- If dogs were as fast as horses, or capable of carrying a human...people would ride dogs instead...I promise you.

Let's look at one other thing; People, you're rooting for me to recover so I can get back out in the pasture, and get my "stud service on" If you think that the Dr.'s will ever allow me to put weight on my back two feet so I can actually stud myself're crazy. There will be a device, and a latex glove involved, no physical horse love. If you think that my Bobby sauce hasn't already been collected and isn't waiting in ice somewhere to make Bobby Jr.'s you're not real smart. There will be lil' Bobby's whether or not I live.

Thanks for carin'


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